Golden Woods and Glass Trading is your go-to destination for professional custom-made frames, photo frames, and framing services in Melaka, Malaysia. Whether you need frames for artwork, photos, Chinese paintings, calligraphy, oil paintings, promotional materials, advertisements, posters, cross-stitch, puzzles, certificates, canvas prints, Thangka paintings, mirrors, background wall frames, or TV wall frames, we can tailor-make them for you. We also provide professional custom framing services for a wide range of clients. Whether it's for home decor or large-scale projects in hotels, showrooms, hotel-style apartments, interior design firms, office spaces, restaurants, bars, or residences, we offer decorative framing services. Additionally, we cater to auction houses, galleries, arti...
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Area: Melaka, Taman Pandan Malim
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82, Jalan PPM 4, Jalan Malim, Plaza Pandan Malim, 75250 Melaka, Malacca, Malaysia.

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